Our Educational Distinctives
When considering the educational experience of our students, we begin with the end in mind-a distinctive that shapes our teaching methods and school culture. Our Christian classical education is designed to educate the whole child, cultivating wisdom and virtue by emphasizing truth, beauty, and goodness in the teaching process. Our instruction methods are carefully chosen and consist of time-honored educational practices, allowing us to create a well-rounded academic foundation for each student.
Our primary goal is for all students to see Christ at the center of all areas of their lives, in a way that compels them to love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Classical Method
At its core, a classical education is rooted in the concept of cultivating wisdom and virtue. Our academic program is designed to equip our students to listen thoughtfully, reason wisely, speak persuasively, and act intentionally.
Connected Learning
Each discipline is approached through the lens of God’s love, and is appreciated for its separate value but studied as being entirely interconnected. Our students observe that the world is a unified whole–created, sustained, and governed by God.
Training Affections
The education we provide our students cultivates truth in the soul, nourishes the mind on what is good, and sows a desire to love what is lovely, all of which is guided by God’s truth. It is a journey that transforms them into the image of God moving them from merely knowing what is good, true and beautiful, to loving it.
We recognize that our students’ choices emerge from their inner well-being and are therefore committed to modeling, teaching, and cultivating godly virtues with an appreciation for each child’s unique nature.
Parent Partnership
We recognize parents as the primary educators of their children. With that in mind, we join in a covenant with parents to act in mutual support as we pursue a Christ-centered education for each child.

The Classical Difference
The Trivium

The Stangl Family
We choose to give to Cor Deo because of the past, present, and future. We are thankful for the vision Carolyn Havel had so many years ago to start this school. We give because we have benefitted greatly from that gift and want others to experience that same blessing.
God’s provision for this school, the gift of this Classical Christian Education, and 10 years at Cor Deo is why we give. We hope Cor Deo thrives well into the future. Strong, faithful, logical leaders are needed to shine God’s light and Gospel into this broken world.
As our daughter Emma thrives in her first year of high school, we see the preparation Cor Deo gave her and hope that many others will carry this same vision not only for current students, but for those who will come after them.

Diana Augustsson
I teach because it is my love. I teach because I am called by God. I teach because these Children’s whole lives, the paths they choose, and their souls are at stake.
Who will these students be in 70 years? Will those years be well-ordered, virtuous, and spent loving God and His people? Or are we being tragically shortsighted in simply asking how we can educate our children into a great college at 18?
The very essence of Classical Christian education is about the whole person and tuning a child’s heart to long for and love what is true, good, and beautiful for his entire life.
Nothing compares to a student coming face-to-face with our Creator God who has imbued everything in the universe with His very fingerprints. It is this awe and wonder that sparks excitement in students- but it is that same wonder that inspires this teacher to teach!

The McCormick Family
We never thought we would send our children to private school.
We purposely moved to a local public school district for a good education but found ourselves unimpressed. As we researched schools, we fell in love with Cor Deo and the Classical Christian model. Now we are constantly amazed at our 3rd and 1st grader’s knowledge, language skills, and the love of the Lord being cultivated in them.
Through the care, enthusiasm, and love of our teachers at Cor Deo, the world of learning comes alive through costumes and class feasts! We now have a burgeoning scientist and history buff on our hands!
As parents we feel confident knowing there is honesty in the curriculum. We don't have to "re-teach" anything that might be outside of our family values.
We love The Cor Deo School and this community!
The Classical Christian Advantage
Family Testimonial
Open House Information
The Cor Deo School would like to welcome you to a Cor Deo Preview Event. During these events, you will meet with some of our Faculty and Staff. You will also have to opportunity to converse with other potential and current families.
Please register by clicking the button below.
Parents & Students
Thank you for considering us! We know that selecting a school is one of the tough decisions a parent makes. We invite you to learn more about our school, ask questions, and have your child sit with their peers for a day. Come and get to know us! We are excited to know you.

Command and teach these things. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:11-12